Reconnect with your body’s wisdom
Discover what is possible outside the confines of diet culture
We are born knowing how to eat. As we grow older, that innate understanding of our unique needs is often overridden by external messages:
Clean your plate. Never eat after 8 pm. Only consume X number of calories, carbs, or fat per day.
The problem is, these rules are often at odds with what we truly need. As we ignore our internal signals in favor of external dietary rules, we become more and more disconnected from our physical selves. Over time, we forget how to listen to our own bodies.
Re-envision your relationship with food
Our weight inclusive approach provides a safe space to explore your relationship with food, yourself and your body. Our practice is built on values that support clients in rebuilding their relationships with their bodies and themselves. We specialize in:
Eating Disorder Recovery
Disordered Eating/Chronic Dieting Recovery
Weight Inclusive Medical Nutrition Therapy
Family Feeding Coaching
Diabetes Management
Eating disorders that co-occur with cPTSD/DID
Meet the team
Our team is made up of highly skilled clinicians with a variety of speciality areas - we can help you find the right fit for your needs!
"With a little bit of nutrition science and a lot of reflection on your lived experience, we can work together to discover the behaviors that support your health - as you define it"
—Annie Goldsmith, Second Breakfast Nutrition Founder